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'World of Phenomena and-or Scientific Structuring'

Phenomenon "Superluminal electron".

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Phenomenon "Superluminal electron".
The principal scheme
Forces for superluminal 
Generalization of Coulomb's law for the quick charges.

The principal results was published
Andrew A. Borzykh and Genady P. Cherepanov

1. Soviet Physics JETP, v.51(1), p.2438-2439 (1980)
(Translate by Journal of Applied Physics, USA). Click for the download of full text by PDF

2. Journal of Applied Physics, v.74(12), p.7134-7153 Click for the download of ull text by PDF (1993).

The annotation

"Two like charges push off and different ones attract." Classical LAW is well know since one's school-days. But ... this fact was established experimentally.The superluminal electrons were discovered P.Cherenkov and S.Vavilov in 1934. Modern technology accelerate electrons to velocities that are close to the speed of light . Let's direct any electron beam on dielectric medium . And the velocities of charges will exceed the luminal speed. In this case we modified the Coulomb's law. Two like charges might attract !

Additions.The problem of macrodynamics of superluminal interactions of electrons and transformation of electron beam in medium.

from basic articles 1980-1989)

Abstract for Web-page

In high entense elecrton beam the theory predicts new effects of charge interactions. Like charges might attract in super-luminal beams in dielectric medium. And we are seeking farther generalizations. We have executed researches of exact and digital models. But after 1991 our studies were stopped.
We corrected little the texts of original articles . Principle additions are marked and commented.

Proceeding of Soviet High School- Physics (Tomsk, USSR)
#4 -1982, pp.73-76
Andrew A. Borzykh

Kursk Polytechnic Institute, Kursk, Russia, USSR
(Received 28 Sen1981; accepted for publication 4 Jan1982)

The article -- Click for the download of full text by MS Word (Rus)

Abstract of 'The macrodynamics of superluminal interactions of electrons and on transformation of electron beam in medium'

The close solutions of first modeling problem for determination of motion laws of a electron in field of primary superluminal electron in a dielectric medium is found. For a longitudal position of two superluminal electrons (charges) with any initial conditions the relativistic differential equation is solved. The new estimations of the time of approachement of two electrons from the exact solutions are intresting for the theory of self-compression of intense electron beams in a medium and theory of the electron fracture mode - EFM ( but now, in 1999 , we prefer to say "beam fracture mode - BFM" by electron and other charges, by lazer beam and ext.).

Proceeding of Soviet High School- Physics (Tomsk, USSR)
#8 -1989, pp.105-107
Andrew A. Borzykh

Kursk Polytechnic Institute, Kursk, Russia, USSR
(accepted for publication 03 Aug Jan1987)

The article -- Click for the download of full text by MS Word (Eng)


3D-models are described by non-linear differential equations of relativistic dynamics which demanded from researchers to create of the set computer programs for the digital solutions and graphic presentations of charge's tracks.
We obtained here some theoretical results about possibility of next new unknown phenomenon (mechanism) in the electron beams. The main result of this theoretical work is the strong frontal-attraction effect for the electron beams in dielectric media which is added to the phenomenon (mechanism) of axial self-compression, was described in primary articles

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